Lithec USA news
Lithec will be at Drupa highlighting our redesigned LithoScan Console and LithoFlash at Booth F13 in Hall 16
After 8 Years of absence, DRUPA Düsseldorf is back. LITHEC will be a part of that as well and you as our business partners in lot’s of various regions worldwide are welcomed to join us at one of the biggest tradeshows. Make sure to visit us at Booth F13 in Hall 16. —...
“Color Rules” Phase 3: Color Proofing Featuring DJ Cabler and Jack Frank of WestRock
"Our "Best Practice" is to outfit an internal proof with a paper and coating simulation and compare that proof to their proof. We want to make sure what we send out to press is absolutely achievable at press." We sit down with DJ Cabler and Jack Frank of WestRock, to...
“Color Rules” Phase 4: Color Control Featuring DJ Cabler of WestRock
"When your standard deviation over six months is less than a 0.8 Delta E, it's because of good people, good culture, and a solid process." We sit down with DJ Cabler of WestRock, to talk about how they use data to streamline their color management. Color Rules relies...
“Color Rules” Phase 2: Pre-Press/Press Featuring Jack Frank of WestRock
"You don’t know a process is in control unless you're measuring it, so we measure our output to see that we can prove we are in control of all possible variables." We sit down with Jack Frank of WestRock, to talk about how they use data to streamline their color...
“Color Rules” Phase 1: Press Evaluation Featuring Jim Raffel of ColorCasters
"As a G7 Expert and G7 Expert Trainer, before we do any kind of G7 Calibrations we have to focus on stabilizing the system first." We sit down with Jim Raffel of ColorCasters, to talk about how they use data to streamline their color management.Color Rules relies on...
“Color Rules” Phase 1: Press Evaluation Featuring DJ Cabler of Westrock
Color Rules relies on the adherence to four main phases. Each phase of the process requires a documented procedure that must be followed closely to achieve true success. Is your press mechanically and chemically stable enough to be consistently replicated every day?...
Download COLOR RULES: A Roadmap for Successful Color Management and Ultimate Printing Efficiency
Developed by renowned industry experts, these guidelines have been established to ensure successful color management and ultimate printing efficiency. By following this proven and productive roadmap, you’ll optimize efficiency and maximize savings—from...
Color Rules: A Roadmap for Successful Color Management and Ultimate Printing Efficiency
PRINTING United Expo is the most dynamic and comprehensive printing event in the world. Bringing together the entire printing industry under one roof to experience over a million square feet of the latest equipment, solutions, and trends on the market!Introducing...
LithoFlash Controls Color and Shortens Makereadies at Range Printing
Range Printing is shortening makereadies between jobs with LithoFlash’s closed-loop management system.WOODSTOCK, GA — July 14, 2023 — Lithec, a global leader of inline color control and inspection systems for the graphic communications industry, announces the...
“We find we can push more work through at higher speeds, with less waste, and keeping color consistency throughout the press run.”

ANDREW GOETT – President

“The LithoFlash system allows us to maintain the G7 standards in our offset print operations,” “WE DON’T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT MATCHING, WE KNOW WE WILL CONSISTENTLY HIT OUR COLOR TARGETS.”

JOHN YERGER – Pressman

“We identified the Lithec Litho-Flash as a way to take our current capital equipment, apply a relatively inexpensive product, and level the playing field with our competitors”

JEFF KU – Superior Litho

“Quality is absolutely critical in packaging,” says Bernie Lacy, President of Litho Press. “We decided to install the LithoFlash to not only help cut down on our makeready times, but also to ensure we have even greater color consistency throughout the entire run.
With this installed, we can now print more jobs per day, and they are higher quality, with better color across the board.”

BERNIE LACY – Vice President

“Since we have installed Litho-Flash our biggest cost savings has come with the amount of sheets we have saved. We’ve pretty much cut our make-readies in half”
We wanted to bring our older presses up to the newest technology. Litho-Flash allows us to take an older press and achieve some of those quality expectations they have on new presses.

JIM EAKIN – Superior Litho