LithoJobident enables permanent job identification and marking based on image information. Incorrect processing steps or deliveries can thus be effectively prevented.
Checking station for job identification based on image content
Customer benefit:
- Prevention of incorrect deliveries
- Prevention of incorrect further processing steps
- Permanent assignment without barcodes or job numbers
Performance features
- Job identification of print products to be delivered or before further processing
- Assignment of produced items without job identifier
- Hard copy printout of job order slips and delivery notes
Product Features
Performance features
- Selectable inspection size and resolution
- Typical search rate: 1000 jobs/min
- Comparison and assignment with digital image data(PDF, CIP or TIFF)
- No need of printed barcodes or numbers
- Image acquisition via checking station or according to customer requirements
- Suitable for various substrates
- Labelprinter or output for further processing in CMS
- Touch operation
Scope of delivery
- Checking station with color camera, lighting andmeasurement underlay
- Litho JobIdent software
- Control cabinet with industrial PC
- 21“ TFT touch
- QR, barcode, OCR recognition
- Connection to a commercial flatbed scanner
To request more information or a demo, feel free to reach out!