Don’t stop the press!
We’ve redesigned our website to give our valued customers the most useful resources for their businesses. From news stories to industry trends to client success stories, watch videos and listen to our new podcast about how both commercial and packaging printers have transformed their businesses using products such as the LithoFlash Inline across North America and beyond.
Lithec’s value to a Commercial Printer
Shrinking the gap between digital printing and sheetfed
Pacific Southwest Container Adds LithoFlash In-LineColor Control in Northern California Plant
Closed-loop LithoFlash system on 64-inch...
Color Rules: How often does the camera read the color bar?
Phase 10 of the “Color Rules” covers the common...
“Color Rules” Phase 4: Color Control Featuring DJ Cabler of WestRock and Clyde Tillman of Lithec USA
Phase 4 of the “Color Rules” is Color Control....
Streamlining Packaging Printing Workflow
Let technology take control
Pacific Southwest Container Adds LithoFlash In-LineColor Control in Northern California Plant
Closed-loop LithoFlash system on 64-inch...
Color Rules: How often does the camera read the color bar?
Phase 10 of the “Color Rules” covers the common...
“Color Rules” Phase 4: Color Control Featuring DJ Cabler of WestRock and Clyde Tillman of Lithec USA
Phase 4 of the “Color Rules” is Color Control....
The Lithec Talk Podcast
Every month we interview a customer who helped streamline their business using solutions from Lithec USA.
LithoFlash is the only in-press color control system for all offset presses.
LithoFlash is the only in-press color control system for all offset presses.
To request more information or a demo, feel free to reach out!