Litho PSO Control is a software option for the LithoScan® Professional systems. The software controls the color in the press, so that the PSO specifications are rapidly and safely met.

LithoScan PSO

LithoPSO Control is an upgrade to our LithoScan® Professional system, specifically targeting PSO compliance.

Scope of application

  • PSO certified printing companies
  • Printing companies, who wish to produce PSO-compliant products
  • Printing companies preparing for PSO certification

Customer Benefits:

  • Supply of the latest PSO standard values in form of reference files
  • Special masks for better visualisation
  • Optimised spectral control to achieve lab targets
  • Logging of the results as a PDF and paper print-out
  • Upgradable on all Densitronic Prof. and LithoScan Prof. systems


To request more information or a demo, feel free to reach out!