Check Out the LithoScan Feature Highlights:

Dual Functionality:

    • Spectrometer & Densitometer: For precise color control.
    • Defect Detection: Identifies and locates defects by comparing the can to the PDF using laser pinpointing.

User-Friendly Defect Detection:

      • Laser-guided defect location eliminates the need for manual spot searching on a monitor.
      • Speeds up the inspection process and reduces operator fatigue.

Integrated Color Control and Defect Detection:

    • Combines color measurement with defect detection.
    • Allows measurement of PDF-specified spots and provides comprehensive reporting.

Data Management:

    • Export data to various systems, including color measurement tools.

Enhanced Accuracy:

    • Advanced filtering reduces false positives.
    • ICC profile calibration for different paper types ensures accurate color matching.

Real-Time Defect Filtering:

    • Adjust defect size filters in real time without reproofing.
    • Inspection completed in under one minute.

Backside Printing Compensation:

    • Special feature to account for printing on the reverse side of sheets.

This scanner is designed to streamline color control and defect detection, improving efficiency and accuracy in the printing process.

If you would like to know more about the LithoScan, fill out the form to the right and an expert will reach out to you shortly.